A Lifetime in the Making


Traditional Culture, Natural Luxury

Born of Nomad brings you purposeful, sustainable cashmere and yak wool pieces from the Mongolian steppe. With the help of Nomads that have roamed this land for more than 3,000 years, we call consumers away from the harmful world of fast fashion; instead encouraging them to appreciate mindfully created garments that stand the test of time and serve a larger purpose. 

It all begins with Nomads like Batmunkh and Dorj, who tirelessly tend to their yaks and goats through the blazing summers and harsh winters on the Mongolian plateau. Both Batmunkh and Dorj migrate throughout the year to protect and provide for their animals, and when spring arrives, they carefully remove the finest fibres from their goats and yaks by hand. 

The efforts of Nomads like these two men are what bring our luxurious cashmere and yak wool pieces to life. Our garments are interwoven with innate longevity, and with a promise of prosperity for the Nomads and the lands they have roamed for centuries. 


Earth-Friendly for Generations 

For decades, Mongolian Nomads have herded livestock on the Mongolian plateau, passing their craft from one generation to the next, in harmony with nature and the changing seasons. Nomads rely on their flocks for livelihood, and as a result have been instilled with an instinctive respect for their animals. 

The process of harvesting the cashmere and yak wool is gentle in nature, and has been meticulously practiced for centuries, culminating in the collection of each fibre, hand-combed in the spring. We have the Nomads and their ancestral teachings to thank for the innate luxury and durability of each garment. 

Culture Creates Luxury

A consumer may only see the end result; warm luxury fabrics that can be shaped into any garment they might desire. But for the nomads, it all begins with the connection they have with their animals. Goats and Yaks are the companions of the nomads in this unforgiving environment. Every gust of wind and every harsh winter night in their world shape the long fine threads that make Mongolian cashmere and Yak wool some of the most desirable materials on the planet.

The bone-chilling temperatures on the plateau can fall below -40 Celsius, and it is only in this environment that Hircus goats can grow the velvety undercoat that creates our cloud-like cashmere. Their coats are dense and packed with incredibly fine hairs that measure 19 microns or less individually, arguably creating the most luxurious feeling cashmere in the world.

And although cashmere may be the first word that resonates with you, the meaning behind this material runs far deeper than that. Each piece is a result of the Nomad’s hard work fighting desertification, preventing overgrazing, and enduring long Mongolian winters. The amount of work and the rich historical practices that go into producing just one garment is what makes our cashmere and yak wool pieces unlike anything you will find in the world of fast fashion.

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